I've been packing the whole day, stuffing some things into a big bag, taking other stuff out cause they can't all fit. No matter how much plans I make, I always end up needing something I left home
my route: tampere(1 night)-turku-stockholm(6 nights)-turku-helsinki(2 nights)-back home
One more update in the morning.
photo source ffffound.
Around 01:00am. I like summer night shades and spontaneous walks in the woods and on the empty streets of the neighborhoods when everyone else is sleeping, why? They miss all the best stuff.
Shit I love the view from my bedroom window. Wild flowers and bright green leaves glittering as the sun shines through the birches, everything is sparkling & I seriously can't hear anything but the birds making funny sounds.
dearest jewelry and my hair
My sleep patterns are horrible, it's no longer an exeption I go to bed at 4:00 AM, crawl up in the middle of the day, have eye cramps and chronic laziness--
BUT, somewhere after Midsummer fest I'm going to Stockholm!! yey
Watched a brutal zombie movie last night and couldn't fall asleep. then when I finally did, I had a dream where I was making a psychological analysis for a serial killer.
are these the first self-portraits? hello. i dyed my hair, it's bright orange. I should go to bed but it doesn't make any sense, birds are singing and it feels like morning.
so I went to a graffiti happening, sprayed some myself as well (the "all seen eye", surprisingly). There were also some real talented pros and their works were freakin amazing!!
I'm in love with you little sister,we ride home in the night While under our feet the rain paints the street with the stars Passing cars with light trails behind them We could follow them on Giving this town is wearing me down Lets take off,no one would know that we've gone