

She's currently inspiring me.



The last few weeks have kept me awake

Where the hell is my photography? these are again via ultraviolent seas.I want to place myself dreaming between that transparent baldachin and pure white sheets but at the same time I need and want to stay conscious.One liter of coffee in my stomach.
It's snowing outside,what a disappointment.


Ritual spiritual

check out synchrodogs,this is one of the best.


I feel violated

hannahelisabeth & can't remember x2.


Paralysed by the intoxicating fluids

sneakers with romantic white lace socks and wild flowers in glass bottles.
photo via MOOD.



Today I bought a bright red floral dress.I sat on a park bench with apple-gooseberry lemonade and delicious dumbster dived blood orange.I found coral shaded shock hair color and went to library to view some books about interesting forthcoming projects.
I can feel the spring blowing air into my lungs.What's the point in crying when the sunlight feels like gentle and comforting kisses on your cheeks? I saw rainbow shades in the sky,I am brought back to life.
There is nothing I desire more than a random conversation with you random people.Please share more? I should too,this is a start.


Law of the Jungle

via shipwreckkk.


Pretty people are just monsters in cuter outfits

Blonde Redhead last September.This gig was like a dream,I'm sure I fell into a trance


Life is simple in the moonlight

I cleaned up my closet and found this transparent witch scarf.

Princess of Icicles


Body temperature rising

I feel so inspired.via this tumblr site,666sex.


Dreadful eyes and a sinful smile

Don't deliver us from Evil (1971),I've wanted to see this movie for so long but I can't find it anywhere.


The Muppet show

Scan from a book called "Lazer".

We are all insane,some of us just have stronger pills

photos via Jasmine.



via baked not fried.
Where the hell was I? It's been a week.My mind is a mess,I'm losing track of time,I'm working constantly.. Then when I get home I'm hungry but I have absolutely no interest in cooking dinner.