
hung myself on a chandelier

photos from Casa Vogue October 2007.
If you have anything to comment on, please do! I'm dying to have a conversation here!!

9 kommenttia:

anette kirjoitti...

Tunnelmallisia kuvia, ei mulla muuta ^^

satu kirjoitti...

jess!! minikommentitki on tosi tervetulleita!! :) kiitti.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Please don't xD But wouldn't it be amazing if those places excisted for real!!

satu kirjoitti...

yeah! but maybe,hopefully they exist somewhere!! I was away for couple of days, I hope people didn't really believe I had hang myself ha-ha,funny

miriam kirjoitti...

ahhh i love these photos!!!!

satu kirjoitti...

thanks and so do I & your blog is gorgeous!!

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

are these by tim walker?

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

are these by tim walker?

satu kirjoitti...

im pretty sure they are..... but dont remember.